華懋集團一直視荃灣為發展重點,歷年來在區內興建的住宅及工商物業項目不計其數。90年代初,集團 透過乙種換地權益書獲得荃灣楊屋道地皮,計劃於荃灣區興建當時全世界最高的摩天大廈,惟最終因飛 機航線等因素而不獲批准。其後,集團將原定設計一分為二建成如心廣場,並在41樓以透明天橋連接。
如心廣場的所在地,為填海而成的土地,項目於2001年動工興建,至2007年落成,2010年集團將總部 從尖東華懋廣場遷往如心廣場,開展集團里程新一頁。
現為新界最高建築物的如心廣場,是荃灣區地標,集五星級酒店、智慧型寫字樓、時尚購物商場和主題 公園於一身的大型綜合性建築項目。
Over the years, Chinachem Group has completed numerous residential and industrial developments in its key district – Tsuen Wan. In the early 1990s, we acquired land in Yeung Uk Road with Letter B Land Exchange Entitlements and planned to build the tallest skyscraper in the world; this plan, however, was not approved owing to height restrictions in this area, which is on a flight path. The Group thus adapted the idea to two towers with a transparent footbridge connecting them; this is Nina Tower today.
Construction work on this reclaimed land lasted from 2001 to 2007. In 2010 our headquarters moved from Chinachem Golden Plaza in Tsim Sha Tsui East to Nina Tower.
Nina Tower is the tallest building in the New Territories. This giant integrated development, a landmark of Tsuen Wan, combines a five-star hotel, a smart office tower, a shopping complex and a theme park.