In the past six decades, Chinachem Group has gone through all the ups and downs with Hong Kong while contributing to the city – from the rise and fall of the local manufacturing industry and the soaring demand for housing amid a population boom, to the opportunities for developing commercial buildings and hotels to meet the rapid growth of the local economy. Chinachem Group's evolution from a small chemical products enterprise to a conglomerate with over 3,000 staff members and manifold businesses is clear evidence of its commitment to growing alongside the city.
The challenges in the past years have not defeated us; instead, they have made us even stronger and more determined. We appreciate what we have experienced and treasure what we have achieved.
This solid foundation from the past has become our motivation for the future. With our rejuvenated image and affirmative attitude, we are ready to continue helping make Hong Kong a more liveable city in the next 60 years.
- 王廷歆在上海成立華懋企業公司,後於1947年在香港設立分部。
Wang Din Shin founded China United Chemical Company in Shanghai and set up a branch in Hong Kong in 1947.
- 1952年,王廷歆與王德輝父子將基地轉移至香港,成立香港華懋公司,繼續化工原料業務。
Wang Din Shin and his son Wang Teh Huei moved their base to Hong Kong and established China United Chemical Corporation Limited in 1952, which remained in the business of chemicals and paint.
- 50年代,大量內地人口南移,令香港人口急速膨脹,隨之而來的資金和技術亦為香港帶來機遇。與此同時,私人地產市場開始萌芽,分層出售和分期付款等樓宇買賣方式逐漸出現。
Hong Kong's population boomed in the 50s thanks to waves of immigrants from Mainland China. Along with their skills and capital, they brought many new opportunities to Hong Kong. At the same time, the private property market started to grow with various types of trading introduced like the sale of flats as separate units and instalment payments.
- 1954年,香港政府選擇觀塘作為首個新市鎮(衛星城市)發展試點,為其後數十年的新市鎮發展揭開序幕。
In 1954, the Hong Kong Government chose Kwun Tong as a trial area for New Town Development, heralding the emergence of several major new towns in the following decades.
New Towns and Land Exchange Entitlement早於1938年,房屋委員會秘書奧雲提出「開拓新市鎮」的構思;英國城市規劃專家亞柏康⽐亦於1948年建議綜合均衡發展九⿓近郊、荃灣以⾄醉酒灣等新界地區。隨著房屋短缺問題加劇,政府⼯務司署於1947年開始著⼿研究城市規劃及市區未來發展草圖;⽽於1973年成⽴的新界拓展署更專⾨統籌新界發展,落實新市鎮發展計劃。
The concept of “New Town Development” in the New Territories was first proposed back in 1938 by W. H. Owen, Secretary of the Hong Kong Housing Authority. In 1948 Patrick Abercrombie, the English town planner, made a similar recommendation. The Abercrombie proposal covered suburbs of Kowloon, and the area from Tsuen Wan to Gin Drinkers Bay. As the housing supply worsened, the Public Works Department decided to establish the Town Planning Office in 1947, to study the future development of urban areas. This was followed in 1973 by the New Territories Development Department to focus on new town development in this area.
New Towns and Land Exchange Entitlement1954年,政府選址觀塘作為新市鎮試點,繼⽽開拓荃灣及葵⻘、沙⽥及屯⾨;1972年港督⿆理浩宣佈「⼗年建屋計劃」,將⼤埔、粉嶺/上⽔及元朗納⼊為第⼆代新市鎮;⾄1980年代開始發展將軍澳、天⽔圍,⾺鞍⼭及東涌等第三代新市鎮。政府以「⾃給⾃⾜」及「均衡發展」兩⼤⽬標為發展願景,希望提供完備設施及多元化經濟活動,使新市鎮成為能獨⽴⽣存的社區。
Kwun Tong was chosen as a trial location for new town development in 1954, followed by Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing, Sha Tin and Tuen Mun. In 1972, Governor Murray MacLehose announced a Ten-year Housing Programme, as well as the second batch of new towns – Tai Po, Fanling/Sheung Shui and Yuen Long. Development of a third batch including Tseung Kwan O, Tin Shui Wai, Ma On Shan and Tung Chung began in the 1980s. The Government envisaged the new towns as creating communities with “self-sufficiency” and “balanced development” – in other words, offering all-round and diversified economic activities to foster the independent development of these areas.
New Towns and Land Exchange Entitlement
政府早期要開闢新界,需向業權⼈徵收⼟地,於是在1960年1⽉⾄1983年3⽉期間,發行「交換⼟地所有權憑證」,讓持有⼈換取開發⼟地,代替現⾦補償。憑證亦稱「換地權益書」,分為「甲種」(Letter A)和「⼄種」(Letter B),換地⽐率分別為建築地1:1及新界農地5:2;沒有轉讓限制,價值依市場浮動。華懋集團早期⼤⼿購⼊農地換取⼄種換地權益書,再於70年代末開始以⼄種權益書換取新界發展⼟地,進軍沙⽥、⾺鞍⼭、粉嶺及上⽔等新市鎮興建住宅。
To smoothen negotiations with existing land owners in the new town areas and minimise cash payouts, “land exchange entitlements” were issued between January 1960 and March 1983. Designated as Letters A and B, they allowed developable plots to be exchanged for alternative building land at exchange ratios of 1:1 for existing building land or 5:2 for agricultural land. There were no restrictions on the subsequent transfer of these land entitlements, thus the price rose according to market demand. Chinachem seized the potential and aggressively bought lots of farmland to barter for land exchange entitlements. In the 1970s, using its Letter B entitlements, Chinachem collected land parcels for residential development in different areas of the New Territories such as Sha Tin, Ma On Shan, Fanling and Sheung Shui.
1964 觀塘 Kwun Tong -
1977 沙田 Shatin -
1978 荃灣 Tsuen Wan -
1979 粉嶺 Fanling -
Chinachem Group and Hong Kong’s Manufacturing Industry隨著戰後⼈⼝急劇增⻑,帶來⼤量資⾦、專業知識及勞動⼒,⾹港⼯業發展⽇益蓬勃。政府於1950年代已將開闢⼯業⽤地定為城市規劃政策的主要發展⽅向,劃出⼯業區⽅便居⺠就業。
The influx of countless immigrants from the 1950s onwards benefited Hong Kong with capital, labour and professional knowledge, leading to a boom in the city’s manufacturing industry.
Chinachem Group and Hong Kong’s Manufacturing Industry華懋集團緊貼政策,在新市鎮的⼯業區積極興建⼯業⼤廈,先於1960年代起進駐⼯業重鎮觀塘和荃灣,其後擴展⾄油塘、沙⽥、屯⾨及粉嶺等地區。
At that time, the Government cited the development of industrial areas as one of the key focus areas of its urban development plans; Chinachem Group responded to this by strategically constructing industrial buildings in Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan, followed by Yau Tong, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Fanling in the ’60s.
Chinachem Group and Hong Kong’s Manufacturing Industry⼯廈選址皆毗連市鎮中⼼,交通便利,⽅便⼯⼈上下班及午膳。華懋集團旗下位於荃灣及葵涌的⼯廈數以⼗計,⼤多以「華」字命名,不但易於辨認,更成功樹⽴集團品牌地位。
These buildings are generally located adjacent to town centres with dining facilities and easily accessible for the convenience of workers. Most of the industrial buildings under Chinachem carry the Chinese character “Wah” which helped strengthen the brand awareness in the areas.
Chinachem Group and Hong Kong’s Manufacturing Industry華懋集團為不少新興的廠家提供優質的⼯廠單位,設備及間隔均顧及⾏業需要,助⾹港⼯業起⾶。
For many years, Chinachem has been contributing to the development of Hong Kong manufacturing industry by supplying quality spaces with the right facilities and layout to meet changing industrial needs.
1962 荃灣 Tsuen Wan -
1965 觀塘 Kwun Tong -
1966 觀塘 Kwun Tong -
1982 葵涌 Kwai Chung -
- 王氏父子瞄準地產業發展潛力,成立華懋置業有限公司,逐漸轉型為一間具實力的地產發展商。首個辦公室設於中環雪廠街9號荷蘭行。
Wang Din Shin and his son saw the potential of the real estate market and founded Chinachem Investment Company Limited, which was located at Holland House, No. 9 Ice House Street and gradually grew to become a prominent property developer in Hong Kong. - 華懋置業成立之初已大量購入地皮,特別看好觀塘、荃灣、葵涌、慈雲山等地區。
In the early stages, the company acquired numerous land parcels, especially in Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsz Wan Shan.
- 香港政府推出換地權益書徵收土地。
The Hong Kong Government issued Land Exchange Entitlements as a means of acquiring suitable land from existing owners.
The first residential property, Hong Ning Building in Kwun Tong, was completed. Later, the group continued to select tranquil and liveable spots in convenient locations, such as Fung Wong New Village in Tsz Wan Shan. Over 10 buildings were completed in Kwun Tong and Tsz Wan Shan within just 10 years.
The first industrial property, Wah Mow Factory Building in Choi Hung Road, San Po Kong, was completed. The company continued to grasp similar opportunities from Hong Kong’s burgeoning manufacturing industry to develop its portfolio of industrial and commercial properties.
The Group was active in acquiring Land Exchange Entitlements in the New Territories, which became part of its strong foundation for future development
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hung To Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hung To Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hung To Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hung To Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hung To Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Tat Industrial Centre -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Sang Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Sang Industrial Building -
Sales brochures of industrial buildings in the early history of Chinachem Group
Wah Sang Industrial Building
- 1972年,港督麥理浩宣佈「十年建屋計劃」。計劃配合新界的新市鎮發展,包括荃灣、沙田及屯門三地,致力紓緩市區人口過份擠迫的壓力。1973年,新界拓展署成立,負責落實新市鎮計劃發展。
Governor Murray MacLehose announced a Ten-year Housing Programme in 1972, aimed at resolving the problems caused by overcrowding in urban areas. The Territory Development Department was established in 1973 for the development of new towns. - 配合政府興建「衛星城巿」的政策,集團購入不少沙田地皮。
The Group acquired multiple land plots in Sha Tin following the Government’s policy of developing satellite towns.
- 1972年,與牛奶冰廠聯手向置地公司展開反收購,雖然收購一事未竟,集團在業界聲名大噪。
In 1972, Chinachem Group joined forces with Dairy Farm with the aim of preventing its acquisition by Hongkong Land. Although the attempt was unsuccessful, this brought the Group to public attention.
- 獅子山隧道繼第一條管道在1967年通車後,第二條管道在1978年通車,進一步完善往來沙田交通。
Following the opening of Lion Rock Tunnel in 1967, a second bore was opened in 1978, which further improved transportation to and from Sha Tin.
Hop On Management Company Limited, the Group’s first property management subsidiary, was established. Since then, the Group’s property management arm has continued to expand and now covers a team of over 1,600 professionals, managing as much as 30 million square feet of properties.
One of the Group’s early commercial properties, the Chinachem (Hung Hom) Commercial Centre, was completed. Though located near to Hung Hom train terminal, one of the prime transportation hubs in Hong Kong, the Group offered it at an affordable rental rate.
Sales brochure of commercial complex in the early history of Chinachem Group
華懋紅磡商業中心Chinachem (Hung Hom) Commercial Centre -
Sales brochure of commercial complex in the early history of Chinachem Group
華懋紅磡商業中心Chinachem (Hung Hom) Commercial Centre
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Kong Garden -
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Kong Garden -
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Kong Garden -
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Ning Building -
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Ning Building -
Sales brochures of residential estates in the early history of Chinachem Group
Hong Ning Building
Chinachem Group’s development of Commercial Premises
Chinachem Group put more focus on developing office buildings in the 1980s, especially in prime commercial areas of Hong Kong Island. Some of its signature buildings on the Island are Two Chinachem Plaza, One & Two Chinachem Central and Hollywood Chinachem Centre in Central;
Chinachem Group’s development of Commercial Premises
坐落灣仔及銅鑼灣的華懋莊⼠敦廣場、華懋世紀廣場華懋禮頓廣場及2019年新落成的One Hennessy;以及⼤型合作商業⼤廈項⽬、位於⾦鐘夏慤道的遠東⾦融中⼼等。
Chinachem Johnston Plaza, Chinachem Leighton Plaza, Chinachem Century Plaza and One Hennessy (the latter opened in 2019) in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. The Far East Finance Centre in Admiralty is another significant commercial property jointly developed by the Group.
Chinachem Group’s development of Commercial Premises
Island East has also been a focus of the Group. The site in Pan Hoi Street, Quarry Bay, where Chinachem Exchange Square is located, was acquired in the late ’80s. Chinachem Group was one the first developers in this area.
One Hennessy -
Chinachem Century Tower -
Chinchem Exchange Square -
Two Chinachem Plaza -
Chinachem Leighton Plaza -
Chinachem Hollywood Centre -
Chinachem Johnston Plaza -
One Chinachem Central
- 位於沙田的大型住宅物業如碧霞花園、希爾頓中心、富豪花園等相繼入伙,華懋集團漸被視為該區最大的地產發展商。其中位於火炭的碧霞花園,為集團首個具規模的豪宅項目。
Chinachem Group was named the top developer in Sha Tin following the completion of several sizeable residential properties such as Oriental Heights, Hilton Plaza, Belair Garden. Oriental Heights was the Group’s first large-scale luxury residential property. - 1986年,青龍頭豪景花園推出市場。豪景花園英文取名Hong Kong Garden,並以心形作為標誌圖案,其售樓書亦印有「We Love Hong Kong」字樣,見證集團對香港發展前景的肯定,決心同步跨過過渡期的信心危機。
A residential project in Tsing Lung Tau launched in 1986 was named Hong Kong Garden and carried a heart-shaped logo, with the slogan “We Love Hong Kong” included in the sales brochure. This clearly illustrated the Group’s commitment to growing with the city during its ups and downs.
Electrification of the British section (within Hong Kong) of the Kowloon-Canton Railway was completed, greatly enhancing transportation between Kowloon and the new town areas of Sha Tin.
Lucky Plaza in Sha Tin New Town was completed. One of the first large-scale properties of the Group to combine residential and commercial elements, it is a self-sufficient complex with a balanced portfolio of facilities.
The official signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration led to a wave of emigration.
Using its Land Exchange Entitlements to barter for part of the land premium, the Group acquired the last available site on Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East for HK$165 million, aiming to build the large commercial property Chinachem Golden Plaza there.
Chinachem Group withdrew its plan of going public in the wake of the stock market crash.
The Group set up its headquarters at Chinachem Golden Plaza right after the building’s completion.
引進Duty Free Shoppers(DFS)開設全港第一間大型免稅店,投資逾2億元、佔地達7.5萬平方呎,廣受旅客歡迎,高峰期日見數十輛旅遊巴穿梭往還。
Duty Free Shoppers(DFS) was invited to open its first sizeable duty free shop in Hong Kong, a HK$200 million investment. This 75,000 square foot shop became a hot tourist spot, with over 20 coaches a day bringing in visitors during peak seasons.
Chinachem Golden Plaza Cinema was the pioneer in offering late screening, midnight screening, and even “dawn screening”. It operated almost around the clock, which was rare in Hong Kong.
同年,華懋慈善基金成立 。
Chinachem Charitable Foundation Limited was founded.
Chinachem Cinema Circuit

The Chinachem Group's Paris London New York Milano Cinema has been located at the heart of Tuen Mun District for 30 years. The Group has owned as many as 6 cinemas, including Chinachem Golden Plaza Cinema which started providing service in 1988. This cinema was the pioneer in offering special screening at late evening, midnight and even dawn. It was merely the only cinema operated around the clock.
⼼繫⾹港 共建家園
Devoted to Building Hong Kong with Heart80年代由於經濟和政治因素令⾹港社會出現信⼼危機,但從華懋集團的住宅及⼯商業項⽬,⾜⾒其對⾹港發展前景的肯定。1986年,⻘⿓頭豪景花園推出市場。
Hong Kong’s unstable economy and political uncertainties in the 1980s caused a crisis of confidence in the city; however Chinachem Group continued to demonstrate its faith in the future by building new residential, industrial and commercial properties in Hong Kong.
⼼繫⾹港 共建家園
Devoted to Building Hong Kong with Heart1986年,⻘⿓頭豪景花園推出市場。豪景花園英⽂取名Hong Kong Garden,並以⼼形作為標誌圖案,售樓書亦印有「我們愛⾹港」字樣,決⼼和⾹港同步跨過後過渡期。
A residential development in Tsing Lung Tau launched in 1986 is named “Hong Kong Garden” and carries a heart-shaped logo; the slogan “We Love Hong Kong” included in the sales brochure gave a clear signal of the Group’s determination to keep growing with the city through all its ups and downs.
⼼繫⾹港 共建家園
Devoted to Building Hong Kong with Heart同時集團把握尖東新發展區商機處處,於1984年成功以權益書⽀付部分地價,以1.65億元投得甲級商業地段尖沙咀東部位於科學館道的最後⼀幅商業地⽪ ,以發展全資興建的⼤型商業物業——華懋廣場,並於1988年啓⽤後成為集團總部。
Tsim Sha Tsui East was another prime location recognised by Chinachem Group for its potential. In 1984, it acquired the last land parcel on Science Museum Road for HK$165 million, using Land Exchange Entitlements to barter for part of the land premium. Chinachem Golden Plaza, which was built on this premium site, served as the Group’s headquarters from 1988.
Chinachem Golden Plaza -
The Group acquired land in Tsuen Wan by using Land Exchange Entitlements and announced plans to build Nina Tower there. The original plans would have made it the world’s tallest building at the time.
The new Fanling and Sheung Shui Town Centre developments were launched, marking the Group’s expansion to the northern New Territories.
Resumption of Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong.
在回歸後特區政府首次賣地會上,華懋以55.5億元奪得淺水灣道129號地皮,興建集團另一地標物業The Lily。
The Group acquired the 129 Repulse Bay Road site for HK$5.55 billion from the first land sale auction after Hong Kong’s return to China, building the iconic property The Lily on this site.
The West Rail line came into operation. Nina Tower, situated close to its Tsuen Wan West Station, was opened three years later.
The Individual Visit Scheme for Mainland residents was introduced following the SARS epidemic.
The opening of L’hotel Causeway Bay Harbour View marked the beginning of the Group’s move into the hospitality industry.
Nina Tower, the tallest building in the New Territories, was completed. It is the first dual skyscraper of the Group comprising tourist, retail and commercial elements, with L'hotel Nina et Convention Centre offering 1,608 rooms, a 17-storey A-grade office building and the 300,000 square foot shopping mall, NINA MALL.
Chinachem Group Hospitality Business and the Tourism Industry of Hong Kong⾹港旅遊業由80年代中期開始蓬勃發展,⾄1995年訪港旅客⼈次衝破1,000萬⼈。2002年中國宣佈取消內地到港旅遊⼈⼠的配額,更於2003年正式推⾏港澳個⼈遊計劃,令⾹港的旅遊業發展更暢旺。
Hong Kong’s tourism industry took off from the mid-1980s onwards, with more than 10 million visitors a year arriving by 1995. Quotas for Mainland visitors under the Hong Kong Tour Group Scheme were abolished in 2002; then the following year saw introduction of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) allowing residents of designated Mainland cities to visit Hong Kong as independent travellers, which further boosted the city’s tourism industry.
Chinachem Group Hospitality Business and the Tourism Industry of Hong Kong到2010年時,訪港⼈數⾼達3,000萬⼈,為⾹港帶來超過2,100億港元收⼊。⾹港憑「東⽅之珠」、「購物天堂」及「美⻝天堂」的美譽吸引環球遊客,令旅遊業成為本地經濟4⼤⽀柱產業之⼀。
By 2010, the number of visitors had reached 30 million a year, bringing over HK$210 billion in revenue to Hong Kong. Tourism has become one of the four “pillar industries” of Hong Kong, which is famed as “The Pearl of the Orient”, a “Shopping Paradise” and a “Food Paradise”.
Chinachem Group Hospitality Business and the Tourism Industry of Hong Kong華懋集團亦看好本地旅遊業的機遇,於2005年成⽴旗下⾸家酒店 - 如⼼銅鑼灣海景酒店。時⾄今⽇,旗下如⼼酒店集團管理共8間酒店及服務式住宅等物業,遍佈⾹港各區,每年接待超過200萬名賓客。
Recognising the opportunities offered by the tourism industry, Chinachem Group expanded its portfolio into hospitality. Since launching its first property, L’hotel Causeway Bay Harbour View, in 2005, Chinachem has now managed a total of eight hotels and serviced apartments around Hong Kong, accommodating more than two million guests a year.
Nina Hotel Causeway Bay -
Chinachem Group Hospitality Business and the Tourism Industry of Hong Kong當中具標誌性的物業包括有位於全新界最⾼建築內的荃灣⻄如⼼酒店,備有多達1600間客房及可筵開100席的⼤型宴會廳;⽽如⼼南灣海景酒店及如⼼艾朗酒店更是⾹港聯合國教科⽂組織世界地質公園⾸兩間在⾹港的官⽅合作夥伴酒店,營商同時不忘推廣環境保育。
Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West is famous for its scale – it offers 1,600 rooms, with a ballroom capable of accommodating up to 100 banquet tables, and is located in the tallest building in the New Territories. The Group also supports environmental conservation through its hospitality business. L’hotel Island South and L’hotel elan are the only two geopark hotels in Hong Kong accredited by the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geoparks.
Nina Hotel Kowloon East -
Nina Hotel Island South
The Group moved its headquarters to Nina Tower.
同年,淺水灣 The Lily 落成。
The Lily in Repulse Bay was unveiled in the same year.
L’hotel Island South became the first geopark hotel in Hong Kong accredited by the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geoparks.
集團榮獲BCI Asia「香港十大地產發展商」獎項,其後於2015、2017及2018再獲此殊榮。
The Group was named among the top ten developers in Hong Kong by BCI Asia in 2013 for the first time, earning similar recognition in 2015, 2017 and 2018.
The Group received the U Green Awards in the real estate category.
如心廣場奪得國際知名「國際地產大獎 - 亞太區綜合發展項目大獎」。
Nina Tower received the Mixed-use Development Award for Asia Pacific Region under the International Property Awards.
位於屯門的住宅項目琨崙,為集團首個取得香港綠色建築議會綠建環評新建建築 BEAM Plus 最高鉑金評級的項目。
Jade Grove, a residential property in Tuen Mun, was accredited by The Hong Kong Green Building Council with BEAM Plus platinum rating in New Buildings category, the Group’s first such award.
Parc City, a new residential project next to Tsuen Wan West station, sold out, breaking the record as the fastest selling West Rail property development.
Phases I and II of Chinachem Central became the Group’s first green commercial project. All units were leased out before even the occupation permit was issued.
位於屯門的住宅項目琨崙,榮獲「國際地產大獎 - 亞太區建築多戶住宅大獎及香港住宅發展大獎」。
Jade Grove in Tuen Mun won International Property Awards – Architecture Multiple Residence and Residential Development Awards for Asia Pacific Region.
The Group acquired the first residential plot on the Anderson Road Quarry redevelopment site to build its first “community for all ages” residential project.
The Group won rights to the second phase property development project at Ho Man Tin MTR Station.
The Group launched its plan for digital transformation.
位於灣仔、前身為熙信大厦的集團地標商廈One Hennessy落成,並獲得極具權威國際地產大獎的「亞太區高密度商業發展項目」。
One Hennessy, built on the site of Asian House in Wan Chai, was completed, and received the Commercial High-rise Development Award for Asia Pacific Region under the globally-acclaimed International Property Awards.
The Group won the Tonkin Street/Fuk Wing Street project, its first co-operation project with the Urban Renewal Authority. It plans to build the redevelopment project using Modular Integrated Construction (MIC) technology.
The Group's use of Proptech reinforced with commitment to adopt Building Information Modelling (BIM) for all building design and site co-ordination work, supported by systems such as Aconex and Novade for project and construction management.
The Group won a plot of land in Ho Chung, Sai Kung, near Heung Chung Road for developing low-density apartments and houses.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services2019冠狀病毒肆虐,經濟受到打擊之餘,市⺠⽣活亦⼤受影響。華懋集團在多個層⾯對有需要⼈⼠作出⽀援,包括派發⼝罩和⻝物、協助基層學⽣解決網上學習的困難,以及資助社企為⽇間中⼼噴灑⻑效殺菌塗層等。
Year 2019 was not easy for anyone, with Hong Kong’s economy and daily life both badly hurt by the Covid-19 pandemic. Showing its great concern for the community, Chinachem Group gave those in need a welcoming hand during this challenging time through such initiatives as distributing surgical masks and food, assisting students from grass-roots families with their online study needs, and providing social enterprises with subsidies to apply long-term disinfection coating sprays at their premises.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services多年來,華懋集團⼀直肩負企業社會責任,⽀援不同類型的社區服務,幫助⽼⼈、兒童及其他有需要⼈⼠改善⽣活,⽤⼼⽀援不同⼈⼠的需要。
Chinachem Group has been strongly committed to Corporate Social Responsibility for many years. It supports many kinds of community services to deliver “care with heart” to the city’s elderly, children and those in need.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services資助興建仁濟醫院華懋護理安⽼院,⾃1996年成⽴以來⼀直為⻑者提供綜合性的住宿照顧服務;去年再撥款資助中⼼修葺花園、重鋪地板,以及更換床墊,進⼀步提升⻑者的⽣活環境。
For example, it has sponsored the development of Yan Chai Hospital Chinachem Care & Attention Home, which provides integrated accommodation services for the elderly, since 1996. Last year, the Group provided further funding for gardening services, floor repairments and mattress replacement to keep the living environment of the home’s elderly residents up to standard.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services與⾹港中⽂⼤學賽⾺會⽼年學研究所合作,進⾏⼀項五年的研究項⽬,⽬標是制訂⼀份「全齡社區—私⼈住宅」指引,供各界參考。
The Group is also partnering the CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing on a five-year project aimed at formulating guidelines for allage community development.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services資助「賽⾺會善寧之家」的「1000個善寧家庭」計劃,並為計劃的「⾸創贊助機構」,幫助有經濟困難的晚期病⼈及家庭享⽤優質及個⼈化的善終服務。
As the Pioneer Sponsor of the “1000 Hospice Family Subsidy Scheme” of the Jockey Club Home for Hospice, the Group has helped terminal patients and their families with financial problems enjoy high-quality and personalised hospice services.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services捐助兒童發展配對基⾦(CDMF),協助數百名受惠孩⼦達成「⽬標儲蓄」,踏出脫貧的第⼀步;期望藉著扶育下⼀代,最終可解決跨代貧窮問題。
By donating to the Child Development Matching Fund (CDMF), the Group also helps several hundred children achieve their “targeted savings”, with the purpose of encouraging an asset-building habit and hence reducing inter-generational poverty.
Chinachem Group’s active participation in community services撥出位於薄扶林華富閣16個實⽤⾯積約為400平⽅呎的單位,⽀持⾹港仔坊會「友⾥同⾏」的共享房屋計劃,協助輪候公屋超過3年的家庭,在輪候期間解決住屋需要,⾄今已有27個家庭受惠。
The Chinachem-supported “Best Neighbour – Walk Together” Community Housing Project run by Aberdeen Kai-fong Association provides sixteen 400-square foot apartments in World Fair Court, Pok Fu Lam, for transitional help to families who have waited for public rental housing for more than three years. So far, 27 families have benefited from the project.
華懋集團捐贈20萬個口罩 與市民同心抗疫
Chinachem Group to donate 200,000 face masks in effort to combat coronavirus pandemic alongside citizens -
華懋集團捐贈網上學習設備 支援基層學生居家學習
Chinachem Group donates IT equipment to support students from underprivileged families to learn from home -
華懋集團義工隊結伴童遊 向小朋友傳揚愛心
Chinachem volunteers make a companion with kids -
華懋集團義工隊陪住老友記 一日暢遊昂坪
Chinachem volunteers accompany elderly for an outing at Ngong Ping -
華懋集團送上端午祝福 食物福袋贈基層
Chinachem Group sends Tuen Ng Festival greetings to underprivileged citizens -
Nina Hospitality
"Hello Nina. Bye-bye L'hotel."
華懋集團旗下的如心酒店品牌全力配合集團的改革方向,重塑品牌形象,2021年由L'hotel易名為 Nina Hospitality,新品牌不論在產品、服務和設計的細節上精益求精,為本地顧客以至外地旅客帶來「時刻,優裕 點滴,豐饒」 (Elevating the Everyday) 的#Ninalife體驗。
Following the revolution of Chinachem Group, L'hotel Group unveiled its brand transformation to Nina Hospitality in 2021. The new motto "Elevating the Everyday" will be honestly revealed through its services, products and design approach to bring to its local guests and overseas visitors an unparalleled #NinaLife experience.
Nina Hospitality
如心酒店集團的新標誌以兩條互相緊扣的線設計成字母「N」,靈感來自一對互相擁抱的手臂代表專注為客人提供親切的款待;同時亦會秉持「待客如親」「樂聚如常」和 「閒適如家」的三大品牌支柱,令賓客時刻感受如家一般的 窩心暖意,充分享受在酒店度過的每一刻。
The logo of Nina Hospitality comprises of the letter "N" formed by two interlinking lines which look like a pair of arms embracing each other to represent the amiable hospitality we offer to our guests. By holding on to the three brand pillars, "Generosity". "Social" and "Homelike Comfort", all of our guests can always expect to have a completely loving and pleasing journey at any one of our properties.