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我們明白要為社會大眾、員工和不同的持分者創造共享價值和正面影響。我們建構的,不僅是屋苑和辦公場所,更是一個又一個的家,盛載生命、親愛、抱負和高低起伏的生活。身處其中,每個人皆獨一無二,每個 人皆擁有個人故事和夢想。
We believe in the importance of creating shared value and bringing positive impact to society, our staff and our stakeholders. What we construct are not just residential projects, but homes with love, aspiration and real-life experiences. Everyone in these homes is unique, possessing their own stories and dreams.
From addressing the challenges of an ageing population to creating a boundary-free society, supporting the underprivileged and fighting the global pandemic, we wholeheartedly take care of the city through our core businesses, charitable initiatives and innovative technology application.
除了參考聯合國可持續發展目標,制定嚴謹的發展政策,我們更致力興建「綠色建築」,未來旗下的主要項目均要取得綠色建築認證,包括香港綠色建築議會的綠建環評(BEAM Plus)及WELL健康建築標準認證等;我們亦制定了長遠的3038減碳計劃,透過提升旗下物業 的營運效能及能源效益措施,目標於2030年減少38%碳排放。
Every single act of an individual, a corporation or a community inevitably affects the ecosystem of our Earth. We should all work together in creating positive impact on our planet.
Our stringent development policy is formulated by referencing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In particular, we strive to create “green buildings”. Our mission is for all of our properties in the future to have recognised green building certifications, including BEAM Plus awarded by the Hong Kong Green Building Council and the international WELL certification. Moreover, we have mapped out a long-term “3038” carbon-reduction programme. The target is to reduce carbon emissions by 38% in 2030 through operational and energy efficiency measures at our properties.
華懋集團在香港興建的發展項目至今超過180個,持有的物 業投資組合總建築面積達753萬平方呎;旗下擁有或管理的酒店及服務式住宅有8間,一共2,900多個房間或單位;管理的發展項目超過80個,逾200項物業;旗下的酒店每年合共 接待超過200萬人次旅客,荃灣西如心酒店更是全港擁有最多客房的酒店。
Today, Chinachem Group has over 180 property projects in Hong Kong. Our investment portfolio boasts a total gross floor area of 7.53 million square feet. We own or manage eight hotels and serviced apartments offering over 2,900 rooms or flats. In addition, we are involved in property management, taking care of over 200 properties in more than 80 developments. Every year, Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West accommodates over two million guests. Our Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West provides the largest number of rooms in Hong Kong.
Our continuous growth and judicious investments have contributed to the prosperity of Hong Kong. We work hard to help make Hong Kong a more liveable city with positive energy and shared value, as well as to generate more resources for giving back to society.