——聯合國環境與發展世界委員會於一九八七年發表的報告《我們的 共同未來》
華懋集團以關顧「人」、「繁榮」和「環境」的三重基線為營運和決策綱領,致力平衡經濟效益和社會責任,實踐可持續發展的願景,並將這 個理念融入核心業務。
我們的地產項目除了在設計和科技上尋求突破,亦致力為周邊環境、 社區和用戶的生活帶來正面影響,改善他們的生活質素,冀可令香港 成為更宜居的城市。
"Sustainable Development" was defined in "Our Common Future" by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as:"Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."Chinachem Group adopts a “Triple Bottom Line” approach, namely "People”, "Prosperity" and "Planet", as an overarching premise for its operational and decision-making processes to balance economic efficiency with social responsibility.
Through our core businesses, we strive to realise this vision of sustainable development. We aim for breakthroughs in design and innovation for our development projects; we also endeavour to bring positive impacts to our surroundings, communities and residents and help to make our city a more liveable one.